Monday 28 November 2016

Be bold enough to commit mistakes

Hi There!

  • I came across this realization while I was reading a book. We all have experienced the fear of doing mistakes. But we are not aware of the learning and confidence that we obtain from it

 The best learning does not come from the things we have succeeded, it comes from the failures that we have faced. But this only happens when when we make a profound study from our mistakes and find way to eradicate it.
I do not mean to commit mistake wantedly.I just convey that we should never back off from taking a risk both in our personal and professional life.
You know millions of leaders and big fish who arose by the learning that they got from their mistakes and failures.
This is just about the fear factor that we all possess deep inside us before even initiating a task .

  • To make a wrong decision during critical times is much better than being a chicken.

 Be a brave heart.

Friday 25 November 2016

Real Work ethic

Folks! Here I try to put in my thoughts and view regarding the work ethic that we should maintain in our workplace so that we will have positive energy surrounded .
1.Don't be Result Maniac:
  It is nature that when we get conscious about the result of work that we have not yet initiated, the flow and  confidence get breakdown. This will make us feel even simple work as transcend even though we try our best of the ability.
 The only way to obtain the best result is to never care about the result. When we do our work , our part is to do it with utmost sincerity and wholeheartedly without even having a bit of curiosity about the win or lose of ourself.
Give your best shot every time you face the ball regardless of the pace.
Hope this will help you do your best.
Be the best of yourself. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Leader's Quality

Hey folks, I have undergone many circumstances where people have adviced me about qualities that one should possess to be a good leader. Somehow I found out two of the most needed quality to be a leader. And those are:
       As a leader we have to manage few people under us. They all have their own opinions and approach. As a leader we must listen to everyone's view carefully in order to draw a conclusion. This quality results in a better decision and also satisfied subordinates when they are being recognized.
       This of course is linked to the above one. In fact to be a good listener we should be an extrovert. This word explains us that we should be social among our colleagues. Never try to be fond of credits. Let your team mates receive them, when they have a part in any successful activity. And when failures come, Just don't blame them. Take part in the failure and derive a solution after a discussion with others for that problem so that it never occurs in future.
Hope this helped you.
Cheers leaders.!!

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Stress Buster

In this modern world all the youngster like me are so frustrated with the pressure and long hours working. And the result is health problems. We do long hours of work to earn more and end of the day we spend all our earnings on our health.
I recently figured out a good stress buster which you could implement. HOBBY is the name of that. Research says that person who has a hobby tend to be stress free even after doing long hours of work. Hobby could be anything like reading, exercise, writing, and even being Radio Jockey.
Just restart a hobby that has been dormant till date. Eventually that will become your habit and you will feel stress free for sure.
But just make sure you don't stress on your hobby too. Let it go naturally and do what you love.
Have a stress free life and healthy mind.


I would take this opportunity to put forth my view on being straight forward.
Being a straight forward person is really easy which needs guts in you.
If your start to be fake or constricted the repercussion is to be the same for life time. If you just think deeply about being dependent on someone makes no sense.
We all are aware that we have just one chance to live. Let's live it whole hearted and for us first rather than satisfying others.
Chart out your likes and dislikes, be bold enough to reveal it under necessary circumstances so that no one enters your line of control.
This quality of being outspoken and honest to our self make us more happier and fulfilled. We could survive the challenging situations and pitfalls itself instead of seeking other people for motivation.